Signs That Your Central Coast House Painter Didn’t Do A Good Job

painter preparing to paint house

Signs That Your Central Coast House Painter Didn’t Do A Good Job

In a perfect world, every contractor would be dependable. But unfortunately, we don’t live in a perfect world and your Central Coast painter can completely ruin your painting job due to their lack of knowledge. And if you are not an expert yourself, it will look okay initially. You won’t realise the extent of the problem until a few years when the paint starts to peel off.

In the following section we are reviewing a few telltale signs of a bad painting job, so you can call back your painter as soon as you can!

Your Central Coast House Painter Did A Bad Job If You See These Signs

It can be hard to notice a bad paint job at first glance. However, if your painter is not very cooperative or shows a lack of skill, you can look for the following signs to make sure they are providing you with the value for your investment.

1. It Looks Discoloured

This issue suggests that your painter probably left after applying a coat of paint. There are paints that provide good coverage on light walls in one coat, but they are an exception. Mostly, you need two to three coats to get even coverage.

2. Air Holes

Tiny holes are a clear sign that your Central Coast painter didn’t do a good job. Tiny holes appear when you apply fewer coats than necessary. The air holes will soon pop and explore the wall. To avoid this, make sure you hire a skilled and experienced painter who won’t compromise on quality.

3. Blotchy or Blistered Paint

If your painter applies the paint on a dirty or wet wall, the wall will show blisters. Over time, it will pick up dust and grime that will interfere with the adhesive. Therefore, it is essential to have a clean wall before you start decorating it with your favourite paint.

Cracking, peeling, smudged or chalking paint are also signs of a bad painting job. The only way you can avoid these issues is by hiring a reliable and professional Central Coast house painter. If you have any further queries about residential or commercial painting, please connect with us anytime.

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